Return Policy

Order Cancellations

Order cancellations can only occur before the order is in our warehouse packing process, which generally happens not long after an order is placed. We can verify the order status with you, however, we will not be able to provide a cancellation refund if an order is already in progress.

If you still decide you don't want the product anymore after you have received your order, please refer to the change of mind policy and return the goods to us within the policy period, and we’ll be happy to assist you with the refund. 

Returns policy

Change of mind returns policy

If you have changed your mind about a product purchased from EthelHuang, we will provide a refund [at our discretion], provided that the product:

  • is flagged with us for return, with valid proof of purchase, within 30 days of purchase.
  • is in its original condition, including with original packaging and seals intact. 
  • Made-To-Order items are non-returnable.
  • Has not been used, unworn in original packaging, goods returned must not affect future sales of the item. Please be advised that exchanges are subjected to availability.
  • In certain circumstances, you may be required to provide further information such as photo identification. Information collected in this manner will be stored securely. EthelHuang reserves the right to refuse a refund for unverified purchases.

Return shipping is at the customer's expense for Change of Mind returns.

This policy is in addition to your rights under the Australian Consumer Law.

How to process a return if I have changed my mind:

  1. Contact us via live chat or at to notify us you want to return your item due to a change of mind, providing a photo of the item packaged in its box and your original order number. Our team will validate that the item qualifies for a change of mind refund.
  2. Package the item(s) to be returned safely into a box. You must quote your original order reference on the inside of the box or highlight it on the outside of the box for identification. Take a photo of the item in the box (this will be needed later).
  3. Go to your nearest Australia Post office and post the item back to us to the below address Registered Post. Do not forget to email with your tracking number as we need this to finalise your return.

    ATT: EthelHuang Returns
    Suite B Level 1,795 Pacific Highway Gordon NSW 2072
  4. Once posted, please let us know via live chat or via email at and provide the original order number, return tracking number. If you do not contact us and provide this information, we will not be able to process your return.
  5. Once our customer service team validates the return conditions and the items are processed by Australia Post and on its way back to us, we will process a refund (Please note that refunds will only be made using the original payment method stated on your proof of purchase and may take up to 5 working days to be processed.) Please note that delivery fees paid for online orders are non-refundable for change of mind returns.